Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Our last week and a half

We pretty much started last week with a fat lip. Poor Evan......he gets going to fast for his little legs to keep up. So, he kept this fat lip a good part of the week.
Saturday we went to North Carolina for Eric's cousin's wedding. We attended the wedding but by the time the reception got going Evan was tired. He hadn't had a nap pretty much the whole day. Needless to say, we had to leave early but I got this picture before we left. Evan LOVES to play in water so he had his hands all in the bucket that was holding cold water for the guests.

The beginning of this week our neighbors came over for a little visit. Eric is trying to entertain them all so their mom and I can talk peacefully ( what is that!!!??? : ) ).

It is now Wednesday and we are getting some much needed rain in South Carolina!!!! And it has cooled it off too!!!! During a lull in the rain Evan had to go play out in the puddle at the end of our driveway.

Notice his stylish haircut. We also did that this morning!!! That is ALWAYS an experience!!!!

So, We have been busy but we are doing good!!!!! Our main goal is to keep upright and have no more falls!!!!!!!!

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