Wednesday, July 29, 2009

20 YEARS……REALLY!!!!???

A few months back I was informed that we would be having our 20th High school reunion. Where have the years gone ??  And boy do I feel OLD!!!!  And have a really not seen some of these people in 20 YEARS!!! No, I haven’t as we have been dispersed across the united states, Canada, Africa, Europe, the Middle east and Asia ( I think I covered them all  : )  )  We grew up in Kenya, Africa and went to a boarding school there, Rift Valley Academy.

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Our Ten Year was in Texas so I was unable to go due to work. This time it was at Sunset Beach, NC. Only a few hours from us so I was excited to go. We left on Fri morning and arrived a little after lunch.


Evening we went to eat on our own and then when we got back Eric put Evan to bed and I went to visit the people who had come.


We all decided to go to the beach. This was Evan’s first time to the ocean. He had a blast!!!!  He had absolutely NO fear of the water.


On the way to the beach.

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Had to go over the swinging bridge. Eric says it’s the last one on the east coast.

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Evan trying to catch a sand flea.

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Evan with my friends Jared, Megan, their baby Elizabeth and Carrie in the background.

Michel taking her pictures!!!

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Friends, Davis, Melanie and Jeff hanging out.

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Evan loved the sand also.

In the evening we took group pictures and then went out to eat at a seafood restaurant.

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The whole group.

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The RVAers

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Tina and her friend(and roommate for a year or so)  Amy

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Tina and Michel

the family

Eric, Tina and Evan


We all met to say goodbye and then went on our different ways.  I was so blessed to have had this weekend. Although some of my close friends were not there it was a time to make new ones. I was encouraged to see how well everyone is doing.

Will look forward to another reunion in 2014 ( 25 years!!!)

1 comment:

michelle said...

What a great reunion.... Never having been to one, I am always curious as to how they go, specially if people show up with not many of their 'old group' with them. Great how you said it was also a time of making new friends. A lot can change and mold us in 20 years! Great pics too, thanks for sharing.