Wednesday, July 2, 2008

A Sad Day For The Tomatos

This update is mostly for Melanie who specifically asked for one, and it is with great sadness that I have to say the tomatos are not doing well. We are not sure what is happening really. Two of the plants actually have tomatos but the leaves are all turning yellow and do not appear to be happy. Eric has tries to research on what the deal might be only to discover others have the problem also and noone knows what to do. Could be the HOT South Carolina sun, type of tomato just doesn't like hanging upside down, too much or too little water, who knows. We are still plugging along though and babying them. hopefully we can get a couple tomatos just to make all that work a little worthwhile.
My potted tomato plant on the other hand is doing quite nicely

Then there is our neighbors garden..........I should have taken a picture of the whole garden. It is impressive to say the least. They are away for a week at Disney World ( poor things) and said for us please to raid their garden. They have got sooooo many tomato's that will be ready soon, zucchini as pictured here, cucumbers, beans, corn, and the list goes on!!!! So Eric is in making zucchini bread for the block as I am writing this. He has really mastered the making of zucchini bread even though he will tell you he doesn't like to bake. He would rather be making up some exotic sauce to go over linguine with scallops. Or something like that. Anyway, don't know if the tomato's will make it but hey, you gotta try,right??

1 comment:

Melanie said...

Oh my goodness! That is simply tragic. I had such high hopes for the hanging tomatoes! Let's not let it get us down. Scientifically speaking, it should work. I'll try one next year too and we'll see if we can work out the kinks in the system. My mission is to plant a tomato that somehow manages to evade the hornworms, and I'm pretty sure a hanging one is the way to go.