Friday, July 18, 2008

One Hectic Week

I sit here half worn out and rather quite discouraged as the medical bills keep piling up on each other. This probably won't be the most exciting and uplifting post but I promised to write about "keeping up with Evan" which also includes the rest of the household.

There are no Pictures unfortunately. This week I worked three days in a dental office here in Columbia which I do from time to time. But my the time I am done I really am tired. It is a different kind of tired than running after Evan all day tired but more of a mental one.

The week was going pretty good. Linda ( my mother in law) came Monday to watch Evan while I worked Tues, Wed and Thurs. Tues we noticed Evan getting a runny nose and sneezing ( MY first thought is " O great, another ear infection") but seemed to really go along with the fact he is cutting teeth. So for the next several days he was sorta whiny and just not feeling too good. Then Thurs night we took Linda to Macaroni Grill for a "Thank You" dinner. While at the restaurant Evan fell, busted his lip yet again, but this time managed to chip his front tooth in the process. Being a dental hygienist I was horrified. Friday morning with not much sleep the night before we decided to take him to the DR. She agreed that his problem is from his teeth and ears look fine. Thank the Lord. She looked at his tooth and said it probably could just be smoothed some time. So the last week in July I will go work in Florence a few days and will have our dentist there see about smoothing his tooth.

Puddy is our 19 year old cat. AND also this week she developed a bad Respiratory infection. SO....took her to the vet today also. $152 later...........
Dr said she is in really bad shape and gave us antibiotics so hopefully it wont turn into pneumonia. She sounds and looks pitiful.

So as you can see we have had a week of it. Thank goodness Linda was here to help with all this but I am still worn out. All last week I was sick with this and that so I am praying this coming week will be restful for all of us. Hope you will have a good one too.

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