Monday, June 9, 2008

Evan's Swimming Pool

Here is poor daddy blowing up Evans swimming pool. We have a neighborhood swimming pool but sometimes you just don't want to have to go anywhere and it has been soooo hot!!!!!

.......... and still blowing it up.........

.............and passed out after losing so much oxygen, what we do for our kids.

Evan had a lot of fun in the pool . Don"t look at the "grass". It is so hot and dry here that the grass is struggling to grow and get green. We will have to turn our sprinkler system on.

BUT, as a side note, WE HAVE A TOMATO!!!!!!!! Actually a couple. We are thrilled that Eric's experiment is actually working so far. It is fun to go out each day and see the progress.


Linda and Earl said...

Did Eric forget that he has Earl's air compressor?? That would have been the trick to blow up the pool!!! We know EB is full of hot air so it's good he got the chance to use it for something useful!

alanajoy said...

Oh goodness, we just went to our community pool, and I am so burnt...but I do want to get a pool for our (almost built) deck so that kids can play while I sit in the kitchen doorway;) (lazy me!)
Has Eric recovered?:)

Melanie said...

I believe an update on Eric's rockin' tomato project is in order. I actually considered buying a similar product from a catalog last year since it makes so much sense. I have a couple plants this year (technically, I'm taking a sabbatical year from vegetable farming), and they have buds, but no tomatoes.