Wednesday, June 4, 2008

Evan's Playdate

Evan had his friend Caleb over today. I watched him while his mom went to work. They had a lot of fun. Caleb is a month younger than Evan and at this stage they really don't play together, but alongside each other. I actually got them to sit still for about 5 seconds

They had fun getting the toys everywhere!!! They could barely walk around.

We went for a short wagon ride around 9:30 a.m. and I say short because It was HOT. But they seemed to enjoy being outside for a little while. We'll have to start getting up at 6:00 a.m. to play in the yard b/c it is already getting so hot here. Saturday, they say, will probably be 100 degrees!!! We'll have to go to the pool more often. Well, so you can see that Evan had a fun time with his friend and no one got hurt ( you know boys : ) ) and everyone left happy and now Evan is down for a much needed nap!!! WE are all tired!!! : )

1 comment:

alanajoy said...

that wagon looks like fun! Evan is such a cutie!!!