Thursday, February 5, 2009

I guess I missed the mom 101 course......OH that's right...there isn't one!!!!!!!!

Well, When you are "keeping up with Evan" I guess you have to take the good with the bad.......

I knew the day would come and we actually did have a small episode before but nothing to write about. I went in to get Evan from a nap. He was rather smelly. I picked him up and the smell was worse and right by his head!!!!!

Further inspection showed that he must have had his hand down his diaper. You guessed it.....he had poo smeared all over one side of his face, INTO his ear, and all in his hair on that one side. GROSS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! We immediately went to the bath.

You know, when you find out you are going to be a mom you, or at least I, thought of this cute, adorable creature that coo's and thinks you are the sun and moon. AND don't get me wrong they are ALL that and MORE!!!!!

I never thought, nor did anyone bother to tell me, that I would be cleaning up spit-up constantly, or putting in suppositories when they are plugged up, sitting in the ER three days in a row with a horrible ear infection, giving breathing treatments, giving enema's, cleaning up poo from all over them.......and I could go on and on!!!! And I am sure I have not seen everything yet....

But this is all part of being a parent I am told and I wouldn't trade it for the WORLD!!!!! He has given us so much laughter, and joy in our lives!!!! I am truly blessed to have my little boy, poo and all!!!!! pictures would have been appropriate. : )


Dori said...

Sean and I skipped our last parenting class to go watch "Revenge of the Sith". I'm *convinced* they covered an entire multitude of survival skills in that one class--because we sure missed some instructions along the way!

Never had the smeared poo experience (sorry about that!)but Kyleigh does enjoy pooping in the tub. And that's high up on the list of "Things That So Gross Me Out".

Melanie said...

Carter did that for a solid year. He would wait until I put him down for a nap, "bog", and then spend the rest of the hour silently playing with it. I could usually smell it outside of the room it was so bad. And we tried everyhing to get him to stop. He was still wearing onesie type shirts at 2-years simply because we were trying to slow him down. It was so gross, it's a wonder we had any more children. And for sure it tested my no-corporal punishment policy. I feel for you, my friend.

Melanie said...

Also, Peyton poops in the tub as of late. Fortunately, I'm not the offical family bather (ha-ha-ha-ha-ha!).

Tina said...

Yes well, and what was worse is I really found out by kissing him on the cheek as I usually do when he wakes up....blaahhh!!!

Tina said...

The tub would definayely gross me out, I pray we never go there but have a feeling we will at least once!!!

Rebecca said...

OMG HURL TINA YOU DIDN'T TELL ME YOU KISSED IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

alanajoy said...

HAHA...Brooke was Pro at didn't matter what we put her in...she'd get it off...HORRIBLE! BAD MEMORIES! I just told Josh a few days ago that Joel is at that age far Joel just sits there and talks for along'd never know what he was sitting in:( gross! I am feeling sick, and I can just smell it...haha:) I'll call you later!